Trend research for the new Auto Bild Brand Vision 2025+
As part of Auto Bild’s strategic realignment for 2025, TRENDONE was commissioned to undertake some extensive trend research work. In addition to the mobility trends already identified by the editorial department, TRENDONE offered an outside-in perspective and an informed basis for responding to future-related questions about industry convergences, new players on the market, partnerships and target groups.
- What changes do media companies and publishing houses have to prepare for?
- What does the future of content publishing look like and how can new target groups be reached?
- How are people’s lifestyles changing and what influence do new developments have in the tech world?

Setting up for the future and helping to shape change
Every week, Auto Bild provides the latest facts, information and stories in the car world. In doing so, the editorial department, sales team and publishing company are increasingly confronted by changes in mobility, the media landscape and the readership. This makes it important to take a look at the near future with regard to the structural and content-related realignment:
Analysis of the mobility changes and support for the brand transformation process
Trend identification and specific trend evaluation in relevant sectors
Definition and derivation of opportunities and risks for the Brand Vision 2025+
Procedure and solutions
Identification, evaluation & prioritization of the most relevant changes on the market
Setting up for the future
Being future-proof is the key indicator for economic strength in times of ever faster change and enormous global challenges. To be – and remain – innovative is a never-ending task which affects the mid-sized sector in particular.