Innovation areas

Clear focus for your innovation strategy

Trends are the signals, while defined innovation areas form the core of an innovation strategy, and the Innovation Roadmap points the way towards the destination. From the innovation front-end, we work with you to define and develop your company’s innovation profile. The aim is to focus the innovation and product development processes on the defined topics and drive them on efficiently.

Trendone illustration innovation areas

Future-proof innovation planning

Trends soon become innovation opportunities. Based on trends and interactive workshops, we identify the most relevant trends for your company, define customised innovation areas and substantiate the Innovation Roadmap.

Icon Prozess Trendone

Innovation opportunities

Whether as an extensive trend analysis with a precise Special Research or as cross-industry trends: we take your individual starting position for innovation activities into account in order to uncover potential innovation opportunities and analyse their relevance.

Identification of trends and innovation opportunities
Overlap definition of trends and business model
Deriving the first innovation areas

Innovation areas

Definition and formulation of the specific innovation areas and topics that will form the framework for the company’s bundled innovation activities in future. Analysis of the innovation areas with regard to business and customer needs, technologies and resources.

Definition of innovation areas
Analysis of specific framework conditions
Documentation in interactive form

Illustration Prozess Trendone

Innovation Roadmap

Definition and prioritisation of the programs, measures and projects to be implemented. Classification and representation of the reference points of all the innovation activities in a timeline.

Recapitulation of the innovation areas and matching with the company strategies
Development and discussion of innovation projects
Individual strategic Innovation Roadmap

Corporate strategy innovation areas

Kardex Remstar defines a clear innovation strategy in collaboration with TRENDONE. The strategic innovation work is aligned over the coming years, based on corporate specific innovation areas.

Learn more and download the PDF (2 MB).

TRENDONE success story Kardex Remstar innovation areas
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ROI now means Return on Innovation

The complexity and speed of trends and change phenomena have increased dramatically over the past few years. The key to innovation success is not only maintaining an overview here, but also being able to anticipate today what will influence markets and consumers tomorrow and thereafter.

Defined innovation areas form a stable foundation for this, as an elementary part of the innovation front-end. They give your innovation activities a context and the chance to deliberately innovate towards recognised opportunities and benefits. For an effective innovation management and finally also for an ROI – Return on Innovation.

Trendone Workshop Innovationsfelder Torsten Rehder
Trendone, Hanne Caspersen, Senior Innovation Advisor & Keynote Speaker

Innovation programs and corporate strategies have to match

Companies face the challenge of ensuring that the entirety of their innovation activities are consistent with their corporate strategies and are beneficial to them. Defined innovation areas in connection with a strategic Innovation Roadmap represent a clear focus and a comprehensive innovation strategy that also pays dividends from a business perspective.

When will you make your innovation planning future-proof?

Jan Sieche prefers to advise you personally. Please leave us your contact details and initial information on the status quo of your project.

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Trend-based innovation consulting

Illustration Trendradar Trendone

Trend Radar

The basis for systematic trend management

Illustration Special Research Trendone

Special Research

For customized trend analyses

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