Our job vacancies: Research & trend scouting

Freelancer in the field of Research/Trend scouting m/f/o

TRENDONE knows the products and technologies of the future. Through the international trendscout network we receive daily new impetus on technologies, marketing campaigns, media such as online innovations and new busi-ness models and products. We publish this information in our Trend Services. They serve mostly as a source of inspiration to keep the latest trends and innovations in view. Innovation Services of TRENDONE help to interpret innovations. By cross-industry trend knowledge our customers gain important impulses for their future process.

Trendone career - Freelancer


Our worldwide trend scouting network supplies 1500 suggestions every month to our analysts. They evaluate the suggestions and identify the most relevant 250 micro-trends, interpret and cluster them in  topics as the first signs of major currents.

How do we identify a micro-trend?

Each micro-trend has to fulfill four criteria:

  1. New --- It is essential for the trend to feature a previously unknown element, in the form of an innovation or a significant enhancement.
  2. Intelligent --- This criterion examines how much depth the particular trend has and separates it from merely well-presented ideas and gadgets. It must be possible to detect an intelligent concept behind the product.
  3. Leading performer --- To be considered as a trend, an innovation must have the potential for mass implementation and be able to adapt to other industries.
  4. Structure-changing --- The trend should be capable of making fundamental changes to the way we live.

As a trendscout at TRENDONE you will have the perfect match to your everyday life. You are screening different blogs for innovations in the fields of technology, online, mobile, marketing, lifestyle and health. With our own trendscouting tool, the trendchecker, you will have the opportunity to provide us with the latest innovations. You can work from all around the world with your own computer, iPad or whatever device you like. Every published micro-trend will be rewarded by the individually stated monetary bonus which you will find detailed in the research briefing.

Your profile:

  • You are constantly curious about the latest things coming up
  • You have a great interest in technology, marketing, health or lifestyle topics
  • You are conscious using the web and reading different blogs
  • You have strong analytical skills and a talent to simplify things 
  • Ideally you already have experience in research or one of our six categories

How to:

Visit www.trendchecker.net and register for free as a trendscout. Send in your CV and get connected! We will get in touch with you as soon as possible to get you started. Get great insights into trends and a flexible, diverse job! In case of any questions do not hesitate to contact Nelly Schwarz: schwarz(at)trendone(dot)com

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